I ordered the wrong items. What can I do?
The order has not left our warehouse.
Please call our customer service team ASAP with your order number.
If it's after hours, please reply back to the confirmation email using the email address placed on the order.
While we will do our best to locate and cancel/amend your order this will not always be possible due to the large volume of orders we receive. Our customer service team will advise you if we can cancel/amend your order.
The order has left our warehouse and in transit.
If your parcel cannot be located and it left our warehouse then unfortunately we will not be able to cancel or amend your order.
Once you receive the tracking information you can contact the delivery company and request the parcel to be returned to sender. Or you can reject the parcel upon delivery.
Once the parcel has been returned to our warehouse we can issue a store credit or refund on the order as per our Change of Mind or Incorrectly Ordered Goods requirements (refer to the returns policy below).
The order was delivered.
You're allowed to return any incorrectly ordered items as long as they meet our Change of Mind or Incorrectly Ordered Goods requirements (refer to the returns policy below).
If you need to send any items back please email us at support@inkstation.com.au or call us on 1300 655 943 to receive a Return Authority (RA) number and to check what item you're allowed to return. We will require the following information:
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